Thursday, September 5, 2013

Language Class? Czech. Boating on the Vltava River? Czech. Absinthe Bar? Double Czech :)

   This week has been the start of our intensive Czech language classes and let me tell you, intensive doesn't even begin to cover it. Every morning for the past 4 days we have all gone to our 9 a.m. class and endured 5 hours of Czech basics. One of the first things our professor taught us was how to say beer and how important it was for them to know it had it be "velky" or large. That just gives you an idea of the environment I'm in and how awesome and relaxed it is. The class has been extremely difficult, but I can now confidently tell someone my name, say hello, tell them where I'm from, ask how they are, and I now even know how to go to a restaurant and order a complete meal. I've found myself walking down the street and listening in on people's conversations and getting so excited when I know what they are talking about. I'm surprised at how quickly I've been able to pick up on everything, but then again when you are seeing, hearing, and living in the language I guess things come a little easier. You don't really have a choice but to embrace it all.
   Today after class, our professor took us to a quaint restaurant for lunch. They didn't speak any english and we had to speak only Czech to order. Everything from ordering our drink, soup, meal, and check was all in Czech. It was so rewarding to be able to understand everything you were reading on the menu and more rewarding to feel comfortable in speaking the language. However, I must say, I've only been here two weeks and I'm already tired of eating meat and potatoes but that's beside the point. 
   After lunch we took the bus down to the Vltava River where there was a boat waiting for us for our "Farewell Boat Tour". It's too cold come the end of the semester for the boat to be on the river, so they had it early for us...three months early. When we boarded,we were each handed a shot of traditional Czech liqueur and then told to go upstairs where we were able to sit outside and enjoy the most perfect view of my favorite place on this planet, the Charles Bridge. For two hours we enjoyed one another's company, drinking beer and wine, eating an assortment of snacks, and meeting our professors for our classes all while looking out and seeing the sun glisten on the river with all of Prague around us. It was pure bliss.
   Now on to the Absinthe Bar...which was SO cool. I was a little intimidated because we have all heard of Absinthe and the crazy stories told because of it. But I'm in Prague, so I had to go (my excuse for everything). It was located in Old Town and about 20 of us went in an attempt to try their Absinthe slushies. We knew we found it because the whole place was decked out in green with hundreds of Absinthe bottles filling the whole bar. The bartenders were very charming and friendly and everyone was able to try their Absinth drink of choice. I was timidly hanging out in the back when the bartender called me up and asked me what I was getting. I told him I wasn't sure if I was going to get anything, but he convinced me in trying the Strawberry Absinthe Mojito. He then told me that he loves Americans because of their beautiful smiles and when I handed him my money, he gave it back to me and shot me a wink. Day made. Have I mentioned how much I'm loving my life right now? 
   The weekend is just around the corner and the Prague Pub Crawl is in town. It's not something I would normally partake in but....well....I'm in Prague, so I kind of have to go ;) 

At the traditional Czech restaurant getting Czech speaking on.

The complicated menu that I can totally read...kind of :) 

A really beautiful cathedral we stumbled upon.

The Charles Bridge

Absinth Bar!

Bartender at Absinth Bar :) 

My strawberry absinthe mojito. Yummy. 

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